Title | The Gypsy Caravan: From Real Roma to Imaginary Gypsies in Western Music |
Author | David Malvinni |
Language Date | English |
2004 | |
Description | This book investigates ‘Gypsy music’ as a bridge between the real Roma and the idealized Gypsies of the Western imagination. David Malvinni studies specific composers – including Liszt, Brahams, Rachmaninov, Janacek, and Bartók – whose work takes up contested and varied configurations of Gypsy music, and considers them alongside contemporary debates over popular music and film. |
Keywords | |
Full reference | ISBN 13: 9780415969994 ISBN 10: 415969999 Physical: Hardcover Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc. |
Other interesting information | Available from http://bookalist.net/?p=587909 in pdf, epub, free download ebook an audiobook (mp3) David Malvinni holds a Ph.D. in Musicology from the University of California, Santa Barbara |
Title | Sounding Authentic: The Rural Miniature and Musical Modernism |
Author | Joshua S. Walden |
Language Date | English |
2014 | |
Description | The book considers the intersecting influences of nationalism, modernism, and technological innovation on representations of ethnic and national identities in twentieth-century art music. Author Joshua S. Walden discusses these forces through the prism of what he terms the „rural miniature”: short violin and piano pieces based on folk song and dance styles. This genre, mostly inspired by the folk music of Hungary, the Jewish diaspora, and Spain, was featured frequently on recordings and performance programs in the early twentieth century. Furthermore, Sounding Authentic shows how the music of urban Romani ensembles developed into nineteenth-century repertoire of virtuosic works in the style hongrois before ultimately influencing composers of rural miniatures. The book also considers the genre’s reception in European diaspora communities in America where it evoked and transformed memories of life before immigration, and traces how many rural miniatures were assimilated to the styles of American popular song and swing. This book is for scholars interested in musicology, ethnography, the history of violin performance, twentieth-century European art music, the culture of the Jewish Diaspora and more. |
Keywords | Composers; composition; culture; diaspora; early twentieth; ethnic; flamenco; folklore; Folksongs; Hungary; identity; the history of violin. |
Full reference | Oxford University Press, 2014 0199334668, 9780199334667 http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199334667.do |
Other interesting information | Illustrated – 308 pages
Title | Gypsy Jazz: In Search of Django Reinhardt and the Soul of Gypsy Swing |
Author | Michael Dregni |
Language Date | English |
2010 | |
Description | The author begins with Django Reinhardt, whose dazzling Gypsy Jazz became the toast of 1930s Paris in the heady days of Josephine Baker, Picasso, and Hemingway, then follows the music as it courses through caravans on the edge of Paris, where today’s young French Gypsies learn Gypsy Jazz as a rite of passage, along the Gypsy pilgrimage route to Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer where the Romany play around their campfires, and finally to the new era of international Gypsy stars such as Bireli Lagrene, Boulou Ferre, Dorado Schmitt, and Django’s own grandchildren, David Reinhardt and Dallas Baumgartner. Interspersed with Dregni’s vivid narrative are the words of the musicians themselves, many of whom have never been interviewed for the American press before, as they describe what the music means to them. Gypsy Jazz also includes a chapter devoted entirely to American Gypsy musicians who remain largely unknown outside their hidden community. Blending travelogue, detective story, and personal narrative, Gypsy Jazz is music history at its best, capturing the history and culture of this elusive music–and the soul that makes it swing. |
Keywords | Django Reindhart; Grappelli; Gypsy Jazz; Hot Club; improvisations. |
Full reference | Oxford University Press ISBN 0198042620, 978019804262 |
Other interesting information | http://books.google.be/books/about/Gypsy_Jazz_In_Search_of_Django_Reinhardt.html?id=smcDVbulh1gC&redir_esc=y |
Title | Phurikane gila. Ancient Roma Songs |
Author | Jana Belišová |
Language Date | English |
2005 | |
Description | During her travels through Roma communities in Slovakia while she was collecting Roma songs, Jana Belisova also harvested many rich experiences. Thus, the book is a sort of her diary or travelogue describing and portraying impressions, feelings and experiences collected along with the songs. |
Keywords | Roma songs, Roma life |
Full reference | Belisova, Jana. Phurikane gila. Ancient Roma Songs. Bratislava: FORMAT, 2005. Book. |
Other interesting information | Possible to download at: http://www.npage.org/IMG/pdf/Phurikane_gil_a.pdf |
Title | Bašav, more, bašav. Zahraj, chlapče, zahraj. O piesňach slovenských Rómov (Play, Boy, Play. About the Songs of Slovakia Roma) |
Author | Jana Belišová |
Language Date | English, Slovak |
2012 | |
Description | Life in traditional Roma communities in Slovakia is closely interconnected with music. Monograph explains and describes the life of Roma songs throughout the history, as well as of today. The core of the work is to reveal hidden parts of Roma songs within intimate environment of Roma families and communities. |
Keywords | Live of Roma songs |
Full reference | Belisova, Jana. Bašav, more, bašav. Zahraj, chlapče, zahraj. Bratislava: Typoprint Plus, 2012. Book. |
Other interesting information | Possibel to purchase at: http://www.zudro.sk/?page_id=1010 |
Title | Los gitanos y la música |
Author | Paco Suárez and Santino Spinelli |
Language Date | Spanish |
2001 | |
Description | In this article, Santino Spinelli and Paco Suárez analyse the relation between the kind of music that make Romani people and their way of life. |
Keywords | Romani music |
Full reference | O Tchatchipen, nº 36, pg 40 – 48; Instituto Romanó de Servicios sociales y culturales |
Other interesting information | To get free access to the online document you have to register in: http://www.unionromani.org/tchatchionline/index.html |
Title | El Flamenco, patrimonio cultural de los gitanos |
Author | Agustín Vega |
Language Date | Spanish |
2011 | |
Description | In this article, Agustin Vega explains the relation between Spanish Romani people and Flamenco. |
Keywords | Flamenco, cultural heritage |
Full reference | O Tchatchipen, nº 74, pg 46 – 51; Instituto Romanó de Servicios sociales y culturales |
Other interesting information | To get free access to the online document you have to register in: http://www.unionromani.org/tchatchionline/index.html |
Title | Instrumentistas gitanos y ritos de integración en la Macedonia Griega |
Author | Charles Keil |
Language Date | Spanish |
2009 | |
Description | Charles Keil explains the social function of music inside the Romani community suming up the book “Bright Balkan morning: Romani Lives and the power of music in Greek Macedonia” |
Keywords | Balkan Romani music, Balkan traditions |
Full reference | O Tchatchipen, nº 65, pg 41 – 50; Instituto Romanó de Servicios sociales y culturales |
Other interesting information | To get free access to the online document you have to register in: http://www.unionromani.org/tchatchionline/index.html |
Title | La importante aportación jerezana al cante, en los siglos XVIII y XIX, según „Demofilo” |
Author | Juan de la Plata |
Language Date | Spanish |
– | |
Description | The author sum up the research made by the great Spanish writer Antonio Machado (Demofilo) regarding the beginning of Flamenco in the South-West Andalusia. |
Keywords | Origin of Flamenco, Romani Flamenco singers |
Full reference | O Tchatchipen, nº 14, pg 40 – 44; Instituto Romanó de Servicios sociales y culturales |
Other interesting information | To get free access to the online document you have to register in: http://www.unionromani.org/tchatchionline/index.html |
Title | La huella gitana en la música clásica |
Author | Javier Pérez Senz |
Language Date | Spanish |
2012 | |
Description | In this article, Javier Pérez Senz explains the influence of Romani music and musicians in the European classical music. |
Keywords | Romani influence, classical music |
Full reference | http://www.accioncultural.es/virtuales/vidasgitanas/pdf/vidas_gitanas_11.pdf |
Other interesting information | This is an article which is part of the exhibition “Vidas gitanas – Lungo drom” |
Title | Los rom y la múscia |
Author | Miguel Ángel Berlanga |
Language Date | Spanish |
– | |
Description | In this article, Berlanga research on the common features of the music played by Roma in different countries and different historical moments. |
Keywords | Romani music in Europe, common features in Romani music |
Full reference | http://www.academia.edu/2317576/Los_rom_y_la_musica._Los_gitanos_y_la_musica |
Other interesting information | – |
Title | Desgitanización del flamenco |
Author | Ricardo Pachón |
Language Date | Spanish |
2011 | |
Description | In this article, Ricardo Pachón, music producer, explains his opinion about the non-recognition of Romani people in the creation of Flamenco. |
Keywords | Flamenco, Origin of Flamenco, role of Romani people in Flamenco origin |
Full reference | http://elpais.com/diario/2011/09/24/babelia/1316823136_850215.html |
Other interesting information | – |
Title | El piano flamenco. Génesis, recorrido diacrónico y análisis musicológico |
Author | Jaime Trancoso González |
Language Date | Spanish |
2011 | |
Description | Historical overview to the evolution of flamenco piano and most relevant artists. |
Keywords | Flamenco, Piano, history of Flamenco piano, Dorantes, Diego Amador |
Full reference | http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/mediaepgpc/libroblanco/Elpianoflamenco.pdf |
Other interesting information | – |
Title | “Gypsy music” and Deejays |
Author | Iona Szeman |
Language Date | English |
2009 | |
Description | In the current wave of successful „Gypsy music” in the West, Romani bands Taraf de Haïdouks and Fanfare Ciocărlia present themselves as „authentic” Gypsy musicians. In Germany, Shantel’s latest album proclaims a Gypsy theme, but without Romani musicians. With or without Romanis, „Gypsy” means „exotic” in these musical exports |
Keywords | – |
Full reference | http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/the_drama_review/v053/53.3.szeman.pdf |
Other interesting information | Published by the New York University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Title | “Des Bohémiens et de leur influence en Hongrie” |
Author | Franz Liszt |
Language Date | French |
1881 | |
Description | One of the most touching homage from one of the biggest classical musicians of the XIXth century to the contribution of the Roma music and musicians to Hungarian music. |
Keywords | – |
Full reference | Breitkopf&Härtel Editions 1881 |
Other interesting information | – |
Title | “Carmen, la révoltée” |
Author | Jean Lacouture |
Language Date | French |
2011 | |
Description | Essay on the relation Bizet/ Mérimée and the creation of the myth of Carmen, the gipsy free woman |
Keywords | Carmen, Bizet, Mérimée |
Full reference | “Carmen, la révoltée” Ed. Du Seuil 2011 |
Other interesting information | – |