
Musician, nationality Django Reinhardt, French
Author of the biography Alexis Salatko
Brief summary This fiction book is the biography of the famous gypsy musician Django Reinhardt and reveals the life of Django Reinhardt and traces in 43 chapter 43 years of the famous musicians through three female figures. The book is in French language
Web link to biography Title of the book Folles de Django: http://books.google.be/booksid=qZocAAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Folles+de+Django&hl= en&sa=X&ei=h317U4DUI8Ww7Aags4C4Ag&redir_esc =y#v=onepage&q=Folles%20de%20Django&f=false
Other interesting information Django Reinhardt related sites:http://www.hotclub.co.uk/


Musician, nationality Israel Galván, Spanish
Author of the biography Negro Producciones (music company)
Brief summary Israel Galván was born into flamenco dance. He grew up learning and dancing with his father, and his mother. Nowadays hes the most vanguardist flamenco dancer and awarded with the National Dance Award given by the Spanish Ministry of Culture.
Web link to biography http://www.anegro.net/israel_galvan/biografia
Other interesting information Free online biography in English, French and Spanish


Musician, nationality Pastora Galván, Spanish
Author of the biography Negro Producciones (music company)
Brief summary Pastora, renowned dancer, bears in his blood the family traditional dances and the modern dance his brother Israel Galván. In the last years Pastora has been teaching in Spain and dancing around the world with different companies.
Web link to biography http://www.anegro.net/pastora_galvan/biografia
Other interesting information Biography written in Spanish


Musician, nationality Camarón de la Isla, Spanish
Author of the biography Andalusian Regional Government
Brief summary Supposedly the greatest flamenco singer of the second part of the 20th century, Camarón de la Isla was considered to be the Romani God of Flamenco and his effigy is respected in a somewhat religious manner.
Web link to biography http://www.andalucia.com/flamenco/musicians/camarondelaisla.htm
Other interesting information Biography written in English and Spanish


Musician, nationality Carmen Amaya, Spainish
Author of the biography Andalusian Regional Government
Brief summary Carmen Amaya was born in Barcelona in 1913 and died on the 19th November 1963. She was a Romani dancer who was to become one of the most outstanding “bailaoras” (female flamenco dancers) of the twentieth century.
Web link to biography http://www.andalucia.com/flamenco/dancers/carmenamaya.htm
Other interesting information Biography written in English and Spanish


Musician, nationality Manolo Caracol, Spanish
Author of the biography José María Ruiz Fuentes
Brief summary Manuel Ortega Juárez (1909 -1973), was known as Manolo Caracol and is one of the best Flamenco singers ever, admired by his unique personal way of singing and expressing his feelings.
Web link to biography http://www.elartedevivirelflamenco.com/cantaores59.html
Other interesting information Biography written in Spanish


Musician, nationality Manuel Torre, Spanish
Author of the biography José María Ruiz Fuentes
Brief summary Manuel Torre (1878-1933) is considered the father of Flamenco of the 20th century. He was an idol for the Roma of his age and his art was the precursor of Manolo Caracol o Antonio de Mairena.
Web link to biography http://www.elartedevivirelflamenco.com/cantaores17.html
Other interesting information Biography written in Spanish


Musician, nationality Paco de Lucía, Spanish
Author of the biography Craig Harris
Brief summary Paco de Lucía applied modern harmony to the flamenco guitar, exerting a huge influence on the flamenco world. He also advanced guitar technique.
Web link to biography http://www.allmusic.com/artist/paco-de-luc%C3%ADa-mn0000082639/biography
Other interesting information Books by Paco de LuciaPaco de Lucía Scores, La Fabulosa Guitarra de Paco de Lucía, Book 1 (Spanish Edition) (Spanish) – May 27, 2004 by Paco de Lucía (Author), Jorge Berges (Editor)   This volume is the first of a series of four books and it marks the first in a series of collections of chronologically transcribed recordings by Paco de Lucia; It presents works from his first recording, La fabulosa guitarra de Paco de Lucía including: Barrio la viña; De madruga; Farruca de Lucía; Ímpetu; Jerezana; Llanto a Cádiz; Punta del Faro; and Punta Umbría. Every effort was made to accurately render this music in standard notation and tablature ultimately approved by the artist himself. A foreword, explanation of notation symbols, and generous performance notes are included in Spanish, English and French.   Link to the other books of Paco de Lucia: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Paco+de+Lucia&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3APaco+de+Lucia


Musician, nationality Yuri Yukanov, Bulgarian
Author of the biography
Brief summary Yuri Yunakov is a Bulgarian Romani sax player known for one of the most popular music styles in the Balkan region that emerged in the early 1970s.
Web link to biography http://worldmusiccentral.org/artists/artist_page.php?id=77
Other interesting information Biography written in English


Musician, nationality Grigoras Dinicu, Romanian
Author of the biography Wikipedia
Brief summary He was a Romanian composer and violinist or violin virtuoso. He is most famous for his often-played virtuoso violin showpiece “Hora staccato” (1906) and for making popular the tune Ciocârlia, composed by his grandfather Angheluș Dinicu
Web link to biography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigora%C8%99_Dinicu
Other interesting information He was born in Bucharest, in the neighborhood of the lăutari. Because his father was busy with his activity as a lăutar, he handled him to “moş Zamfir”, an old violinist, who taught him the first songs. He attended the Bucharest Conservatory, where he studied with Kiriac-Georgescu. The most famous of his teachers was Carl Flesch, the violin pedagogue, with whom he studied in 1902. He received a scholarship at the Vienna Conservatory, but he was not allowed to go there because he was Romani, an episode that he never forgot.


Musician, nationality Ion Voicu, Romanian
Author of the biography Wikipedia
Brief summary He was a Romanian violinist and orchestral conductor of Romani ethnicity. In 1969 he founded the award-winning Bucharest Chamber Orchestra
Web link to biography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_Voicu
Other interesting information In 1949, Voicu first appeared as a soloist with the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra under George Georgescu, and he achieved great acclaim as a participant in their 1957 tour of Belgrade;[1] from 1972 to 1982, he was the director of the Philharmonic.


Musician, nationality Manuel de Falla, Spain
Author of the biography Nancy Lee Harper
Brief summary
Web link to biography
Other interesting information Ed. Scarecrow Press 2005


Musician, nationality Manuel de Falla, Spain
Author of the biography Jorge de Persia
Brief summary
Web link to biography
Other interesting information Ed. Fondo de Cultura Economica 1993


Musician, nationality Pauline Viardot, France/Spain
Author of the biography
Brief summary
Web link to biography http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauline_Viardot
Other interesting information www.lesamisdebizet.com


Musician, nationality Manuel Garcia, Spain
Author of the biography Alberto Romero Ferrer, Andrés Moreno Mengibar
Brief summary Manuel García : de la tonadilla escénica a la Opera Española
Web link to biography
Other interesting information